Cookiecutter for KiCAD Projects
Powered by Cookiecutter, Cookiecutter KiCad generates boilerplate for production-ready KiCad projects.
See the Project Documentation for more details.
The project you create from this template has a few features to be aware of including:
- Kicad v5.x supported.
- Kicad v6.x supported.
- Kicad v8.x supported.
- A KiCAD project structure to get you going.
- A starting project document structure using Mkdocs-Materials that automatically publishes to the projects pages site on release. Inspiration for the document structure is based on the by Sayanee Basu and her great YouTube video around hardware documentation
- Automated Release and Changelog management.
- Automated asset generation that incorporates into the documentation build, e.g. BOM, Schematics, PCB, 3D Board Images.
- CICD pipeline for Hardware and Firmware testing.
- Poetry Python Virtual Environment and dependency management for the project.
- mermaid diagrams using markdown syntax.
- wavedrom waveform diagrams using markdown syntax.
Would you like to learn more? Check out the links below!
- Cookiecutter Project Documentation
- Cookiecutter: Project Templates Made Easy
- mkdocs-materials
- poetry
This program was created by Stephen Eaton.
This project is hosted on GitHub. Please feel free to submit pull requests.